About Us
Sowing Seeds of Success
Nyabing Primary School is located 320km south east of Perth within the Wheatbelt Education Region. Katanning is 60 km west and the nearest major town centre. The school services the families living within the town of Nyabing and the surrounding grain and sheep farming communities.
At Nyabing Primary School, we are committed to providing a place where all students will reach their full potential through a love of learning and being prepared for living in a globalised world.
Our Principal, Teresa Wigg, and our Manager of Corporate Services, Jenni Dolan, lead our administration, teaching and support staff. We have two Level 3 Teachers and one Senior Teacher. Our classroom teaching staff work alongside our specialist teachers in the areas of Science, Health, Physical Education and Indonesian.
Our highly qualified teachers consistently model exemplary teaching and learning practices focusing on the development of students who are capable of achieving success and reaching their goals. They recognise all students learn in different ways and provide a differentiated curriculum to cater for a diverse range of needs.
Our support staff include a library officer, education assistants, cleaners and a gardener who work tirelessly to support and enhance the teaching programs and learning environments.​
Nyabing Primary School students are respectful, enthusiastic, inclusive and independent learners. They are given opportunities to engage in higher order thinking and reflective practices to develop into future leaders.
Our School Values