Parents and Citizens Association Inc.
The Nyabing P&C
Established under the Education Act of 1999, P&C Associations are the forum for parents and carers of children to get involved in their local school.
​Our P&C exists to:
generate cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community
raise funds to provide extra resources, facilities and amenities for the school
foster community interest in educational matters
promote and support communication and cooperation within the school community
assist with maintaining the school grounds through hands-on volunteering and busy bees.
Nyabing PS P&C works in direct response to the needs of our school community, in accordance with guidelines established by the West Australian Council of State School Organisations (WACCSO).
We encourage all families to assist with fundraising events during the year. This allows the P&C to directly support the school, and our children, helping them receive the very best education possible and access to a range of excursions and incursions.
Specific projects that have been funded by the P&C include:
update of curriculum and sport resources
school and student council wishlist items
excursion and incursions
school photos
swimming lessons.
Our P&C Association meets regularly in the school library. Meeting dates are advertised in the term planner and school newsletter. Our P&C Committee encourages all parents to take an active involvement in the association. As outlined in our constitution, membership is open to parents and carers of children attending the school and to citizens being over the age of eighteen years who are interested in the work of the Association.
A person desiring to become a member may do so at any General Meeting by completing the Membership Form and payment of the membership subscription fee of $1.00 per member. Bring the form, along with the subscription fee, to the next P&C Meeting if you are interested in joining.
For any further information, please feel free to contact the Executive Committee via email:
